Nasze historie

Piotruś Krajewski
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Piotruś Krajewski

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
Piotruś is the third and youngest of my sons. We were overjoyed when he was born. We...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Marcin Duś

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
I’m Marcin. I’m 37 years old and I’ve been struggling with Crohn’s disease ever since I was...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Daria Bucka

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
Daria was born prematurely by caesarean section because of a large ovarian cyst that couldn’t be removed....
Piotruś Krajewski
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Anna Chachaj

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
When I first heard from my doctor about the parenteral feeding, he told me that I would...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Magda Sobieska

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
It is likely that I have had the Crohn’s disease ever since I was a child but...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Marcin Kępiński

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
My name is Marcin and I am 26 years old. My adventure with the “friendly” Crohn’s disease...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Maja Brodowicz

Type of nutrition pozajelitowe
On a certain winter day in January 2012, I went to a hospital in order to undergo...
Piotruś Krajewski
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Emilka Kowalik

Type of nutrition dojelitowe
We had learned of the fact that we were going to become parents in less than two...

Looking for support?

Do you have problems with your bowels?
Are you looking for support? Do you want to know how to enjoy your life despite of a PEG, feeding tube, central venous catheter and many hours of infusion administration?
Do you have an inflammatory bowel disease and a need for some positive energy and knowledge from other IBD patients?
Do you live in a country without any support groups for people with digestive system insufficiency?
Join us! Together we will try help you!

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